A street scene from the 1910s: people are walking across a street with streetcar tracks. Multiple big billboards can be seen in the background. The text on the biggest one reads: 'Dewar's Scotch Whiskey'. Another one offers: 'White label ale'.
A street scene from the 1910s: people are walking across a street with streetcar tracks. Multiple big billboards can be seen in the background. The text on the biggest one reads: 'Dewar's Scotch Whiskey'. Another one offers: 'White label ale'.
Photo: Downtown Toronto in 1914ish (City of Toronto Archives)

Hear history come alive Hear history come alive

in this course by storyteller Adam Bunch

Photo: Downtown Toronto in 1914ish (City of Toronto Archives)

ARTiculations Monthly Sketchbook Meetup

On the second Monday of every month: ARTiculations Art Supply owner Heather Phillips facilitates a monthly online sketchbook meetup. Open to all levels, this one-hour facilitated session offers a supportive space to draw, share and connect. No formal instruction, just inspiration and encouragement. For adults. Free. Registration required.

Julia Guez: Mapping Our Poems

PAST EVENT. One day only - Sat, Nov. 18, 2023: Join writer & translator Julia Guez for this 3-hour online poetry writing workshop hosted by Poets House. This workshop focuses on the process of building a poem, starting with a word or phrase + the ideas, feelings, rhythms & words it inspires. Space is limited. For adults 18+.

Firefly Creative Writing: Begin Here workshop

REGISTRATION CLOSED. Tuesday mornings from Nov. 7 – Dec. 5, 2023: Join writing coach Britt Smith for Begin Here, a virtual five-week long beginner writing workshop hosted by Firefly Creative Writing. Overcome barriers & explore your voice in a supportive, no-pressure space. For adults 18+. Maximum 8 participants.

Josephine Ishmon: A Celebration of Life

PAST EVENT. One day only - Sat, Oct. 28, 2023: Join educator Josephine Ishmon for this 3-hour online poetry reading workshop hosted by Poets House. Explore & examine the works of modern poets for a deeper appreciation of poetry, to build community & celebrate life. Space is limited. For adults 18+.

Chasing The Poem: Online Poetry Workshop

PAST EVENT: Tuesdays April 11, 18 & 25, 2023: A three-part online workshop led by three Indigenous poets. For emerging writers and poets, unpublished authors, poetry enthusiasts or those searching for new ways of expressing their creativity.

A Supernatural History of Toronto

PAST EVENT: Starting Thu, Oct. 13, 2022: Just in time for the spooky season of the year! Explore Toronto's past through tales of phantoms, monsters and mythical beasts in this 4 week course from storyteller Adam Bunch.

A Boozy History of Toronto

A new course starting July 14 by storyteller Adam Bunch! Toronto's history with booze from drunken rebels to notorious bootleggers - because to truly understand Toronto, it helps to know how this city has been shaped by centuries of people getting drunk.