For one day only, on Saturday, November 18, join writer and translator Julia Guez for Mapping Our Poems, an online poetry writing workshop on the process of building a poem. Beginning with a word or phrase, line or lines from a poetry book, participants will map out ideas, feelings, rhythms, syntaxes and words associated with the line or lines they’ve brought in, and then begin work on their own poems. The lines participants begin with may become embedded in the poem they write, or turn out to serve as the seed or prompt. Mini-breaks that can be incorporated into participants’ writing practice will occur throughout, to spur creativity and collaboration in the workshop setting. Space is limited.
In The Archaeology of Knowledge, Michel Foucault writes, “The frontiers of a book are never clear-cut: beyond the title, the first lines, and the last full stop, beyond its internal configuration and its autonomous forms, it is caught up in a system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences: it is a node within a network.”
About Julia Guez
Julia Guez is a Houston-based writer and translator. Her first book of poetry, In an Invisible Glass Case Which Is Also a Frame, and her co-translation of Luis Chaves’s Equestrian Monuments, received the Discovery/Boston Review Prize, a Fulbright Fellowship and The John Frederick Nims Memorial Prize in Translation, as well as a translation fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. The Certain Body is her second collection of poetry, written while she was recovering from COVID-19 in the spring of 2020. For the last decade, Guez has taught creative writing at NYU and Rutgers.
About Poets House
Established in 1986, Poets House is a New York City-based national library and literacy centre, inviting poets and the public into the world of poetry – a living and evolving literary tradition. Creating a welcoming space for poets and readers to explore, experiment and experience the joy of poetry, they believe that “poetry can promote a deeper conversation between individuals, communities and cultures”.
Poets House seeks to document the wealth and diversity of modern poetry, to stimulate dialogue on issues of poetry in culture, and to cultivate a wider audience for the art.
(Photo credit: Julia Guez, photo by Wesley Mann)
Event details
Hosted by: Poets House
Type of event: poetry writing workshop
Educator: Julia Guez
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2023
Start time: 12:00 PM ET
Duration: 3 hours (non-recurring event)
Number of sessions: 1
Cost: US$90.00 members, $105 non-members
Location: online via Zoom
Booking link: Book your tickets here. Space is limited – and a limited number of need-based scholarships are available; please email with any questions.
Contact Details: Poets House, 10 River Terrace, New York, NY, United States, 10282; 212-431-7920,,
Refund policy: Please contact Poets House (see contact details above).